Recent Trial Success
August 2024: Borrego v. Velez, Case #2023CV32277, Denver County District Court, Colorado
Lambdin & Chaney represented Defendant in a personal injury case involving a multi car automobile accident with significant exposure. Plaintiff asserted claims for negligence and negligence per se. Plaintiff asserted that he suffered significant injuries in the accident, including a herniated disc in his spine at C4-5. Plaintiff argued that he needed a future total disc replacement surgery (TDR) at C4-5, as well as annual medial branch blocks and radiofrequency ablations for the rest of his life. A jury trial occurred in August 2024 in front of the Honorable Judge Gerdes. Plaintiff’s counsel made a $3 Million-dollar pretrial demand and asked the jury to award $2.6 Million in closing argument.
After a 5-day trial, the jury entered a verdict in favor Plaintiff in the amount of $35,000 (economic damages only) and apportioned 75% fault to Defendant and 25% to the named non-party. The jury did not award non-economic losses or physical impairment. Thus, the total amount awarded against Defendant taking into account the apportionment of fault is $26,250.00. We submitted a $100,000 statutory of settlement prior to trial and the verdict was lower than the amount of the offer. Ultimately, Plaintiff voluntarily dismissed the matter after trial and Defendant paid zero.